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Showing posts from October, 2024

Tulip (pre-parturition) - 46 days

  Tulip (pre-parturition) - 46 days Tulip's appetite remains as voracious as ever. She eagerly devours her twice-daily meals and will soon transition to three meals per day starting this weekend. Tulip has taken to counter surfing, scouring for any treats she can locate. She's well aware that we often leave snacks on the bathroom counter after emptying our pockets - a behaviour that is uncharacteristic for her. Tulip's abdomen now measures approximately 33 inches. For the past couple of weeks, she has had a slight belly bulge. Despite this, Tulip remains as active as ever, playing with the rest of the pack. She particularly enjoys basking in the sunshine outdoors. Soon, she will instinctively search our yard for a suitable birthing spot and start digging a den, which is normal canine behavior. However, we have a different plan - a clean, warm whelping box that we will introduce to her next week in our bedroom. This is where she will give birth, sleep, and nurse her puppies