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Showing posts with the label Tulip Day 55 (pre-parturition)

Tulip Day 55 (pre-parturition)

Tulip last weekend showing off her baby bump! Tulip's abdomen measures 35 inches as she enters the final week of her pregnancy.  Tulip currently receives three meals per day but are increasing this to four meals as her due date approaches. Smaller, more frequent meals are easier for Tulip to digest. She is also being given folic acid, a form of the B vitamin folate that pregnant human mothers take as a supplement. Folic acid can help reduce the risk of midline birth defects. In the days leading up to the puppies' arrival, we will closely monitor Tulip's temperature. A normal dog temperature is around 101°F (38.3°C). As Tulip's progesterone levels drop in preparation for delivery, her temperature may dip as low as 97°F (36.1°C). This temperature drop signals that the time for delivery is approaching. We can expect Tulip's temperature to fluctuate for about 72 hours, but it will rise back to normal right before she gives birth. By tracking Tulip's temperature drop...