I love snuggling but this is a bit much.... “Standing Room Only” We won’t lie. Since there’s so little competition at the milk bar, these puppies are getting big….really big! To ensure that everyone stays in shape, we’ve removed the pig rails (the rails that help prevent mom from accidently squishing someone) and have filled the whelping box with more stuffed animals than a toy store, a snake-like activity contraption and some rolled up towels. In order for the puppies to do anything or go anywhere, they have to navigate their way through this plush jungle like a canine steeplechase. As for Hannah, there’s standing room only. Of course, we do relent and make a little room for her at night. Now that their vision is established beyond simply being able to detect light, dark and movement, the puppies are becoming increasingly curious about their surroundings and each other. As they are beginning to get acquainted with their littermates, they can often be seen standing in a pair...