Day 39 (approximately 24 days to go)

Puppy Fetus – 39 days (National Geographic)
Our Bella (International JHA Champion Montego Diamond Giselle) is certainly beginning to show signs she is expecting. Our sweet girl is losing her waistline, eating lots and resting a little more then usual. If she had it her way she would be content to cuddle and have her belly rubbed 24 hours a day. I look forward to each and every minute we can spend together. She has always been a very affectionate girl but she is in overdrive now and we are loving it.
Hudson (Canadian Champion Dreamkeeper Unforgettable Song) is never far away from Bella. If she needs to go out during the night he always escorts and watches over her.
As we count down the days to the big event we will have lots to prepare. Yesterday, we introduced Bella to her whelping box where she will have her babies. Over the next couple of weeks she will become very familiar with it and we hope she will stop stealing bath towels to create her baby basket!
Stay tuned .....
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