Mr. Frostbite |
“It’s a bird, it’s a plane…”
Now that the ever-growing puppies are situated in our library which runs off a large open foyer, we’ve found it necessary to add barricades to enforce an “invitation only” policy with the rest of the pack. Never one to be deterred by convention, our Surrey revealed her Olympic prowess by hurtling over not one, but two barricades stacked back-to-back in order to get inside the whelping box to get better acquainted with the mini-pack. Since Surrey was not able to produce the necessary guest pass, we escorted her out again. After two successful breaches, we’re uncertain as to how to reinforce the perimeter of the puppy zone…..three barricades perhaps?
Meanwhile in the whelping box, Mr. Frostbite had just been roused from a deep slumber and found himself nose-to-nose with Miss Blizzard who was mouthing and pawing him. This is how the puppies learn rudimentary social skills. Now that their vision is established beyond simply being able to detect light, dark and movement, they are becoming increasingly curious about their surroundings and each other. To this end, Miss Blizzard seems to have assumed the responsibility of informing her littermates of the newly adopted schedule for playtime. The puppies also respond to sudden or loud sounds and are even beginning to find their own voices. Each one has a unique-sounding means of self-expression and seems surprised at his or her ability to do so. Their ensuing expression comes with the caption “did I do that?”
Sierra has demonstrated her acclaim as one of our best moms ever. She keeps a watchful eye on her little ones from her vantage point perched on the sofa. The milk bar is available for their every beck and call when they stagger around the whelping box in search of their next meal. While they still rely on their mom for sustenance and comfort, the puppies are able to relieve themselves without the assistance of their mom to stimulate them.
Their little world is now extending beyond the confines of the whelping box they call home. The puppies study us very intently as we pick them up, but there’s no question that they find a great deal of comfort in being picked up and cuddled. We have decidedly earned their trust as they drift off into the sweet surrender of blissful sleep in our arms. What a wonderful world it is.
That’s it for now, but be sure to join us next week for another tantalizing installment of “Puppy Tales”.