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Whitney and Jazz’s Litter – Week Seven

Play, play, play...

“The Bouffant”

It was a cool October day. There was a gentle breeze rustling through the trees and the sun’s rays danced in and out between the clouds. Off in the distance a bird was chirping and there was the occasional crackle from the crusty carcass of a dried leaf as it tumbled to the ground. This was the perfect day for Whitney’s litter of seven and Sierra’s litter of five to come together for their long awaited mega-playtime. Everyone looked their best, albeit Mr. Raven’s mane appears to have a perpetual static charge so that it always looks like he has a bouffant hairdo and may be in need of some gel to tame it. That didn’t slow him down in the least as he set forth to get better acquainted with Miss Cosmopolitan from Sierra’s litter. In the meantime, Mr. Sapphire chased after Miss Kahlua whose adventures took them to the remote corners of the rock garden.

The two moms acted as chaperones for this get-together, but in all of the confusion we realized that there were three adults present. We assumed it was Bailey, who adores puppies, rolling around on her back with three or four of the little minions climbing atop her. We then realized it was Chanel, still very much a puppy herself at five months of age. Her young age notwithstanding, Chanel was very gentle and respectful of the little ones. She alternated between the back rolling and racing around the yard with the puppies bounding after her at top speed. While the rest of the group were puppy wrestling, rock climbing and chasing one another, Whitney was bigheartedly providing some libation to a group consisting of Miss Kahlua, Miss Cosmopolitan and Miss Limoncello from Sierra’s litter.

With each litter, there are some new aspects of puppy behaviour that we learn. For instance, puppies seem to know instinctively if there’s something in your pocket regardless of whether it’s food or not. It could be a plastic bag, paper towel or a tissue; it matters not.  They will find it. It also never ceases to amaze us that the first time a puppy encounters a twig, they know without any hesitation whatsoever, exactly what to do with it. It’s as if it’s in their DNA.

To our sweet little puppies who have given us so much love and happiness these past eight weeks, when we think of you we’ll find comfort in knowing how much happiness you will bring to your new families. You have given us so many kisses and memories that we’ll treasure always. So long, little ones. We wish you all the best in your journey, but most of all, we wish you love.

That concludes this edition of “Puppy Tales”.  See you next litter!
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