We love our meals! |
“The V.I.P. Lounge”
There’s a lot that’s happened in the little world known as Surrey’s whelping box. For starters, the group has moved from the bedroom to the living room. It sounds simple enough, but Surrey needed to be convinced that no one was left behind. Before she settled in, she examined each pile of towels en route to the washing machine to ensure there wasn’t a puppy hiding in it. To Surrey’s benefit though, this venue is more like a V.I.P. lounge in that it has sofa she can relax on and access to a private section of the yard that she and fellow mom, Heidi can hang out in. Not only was there a change in venue, but an extension was added to the whelping box to double its size. Now that the puppies are growing, they need a bit more space to allow them to pick up speed as they scramble from end to end.
This week saw the introduction of the puppies to gruel or mush: a healthy concoction of kibble, oatmeal, honey, goat’s milk and vitamins to supplement the feedings they get from their mom. One would think that as British puppies they would have a reserved approach to mealtime, but such was not the case. Even with the inaugural bowl, the group drained the entire thing. Unencumbered by etiquette, Mr. Denim prefers to stand in the bowl while he’s chowing down. This is where teamwork plays a part. Whenever Mr. Denim removed one of his feet from the bowl, Miss Blossom would lay down beside him to clean off his feet. While Surrey is spending a lot more time pursuing her favourite pastimes such as sleeping and watching for squirrels, she still keeps the milk bar open 24/7 for top-ups.
To work off the effects of some of this fine dining, the puppies now have gym memberships. This comes with an elaborate play station at their disposal as well as numerous plush toys. The little ones are developing their strength, co-ordination and cognitive skills as well as learning how to engage in an activity with a littermate, even if it’s just bumping heads. Since their hunting and chasing instincts are emerging, they practice with their siblings or their plush toys. One day, the trio of Miss Plum, Mr. Shine and Mr. Cardinal decided to expand the boundaries of their complex by sneaking over a slat and making a break for it in the living room. The three were quickly apprehended and returned to the comfort of their whelping box until such time as their memberships are upgraded to include the V.I.P. lounge.
That’s it for now, but be sure to join us next week for another enthralling installment of “Puppy Tales”.
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