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Mango and Haydain’s Litter – Week Seven (and a half)

Too cute for words!


It begins at a moment’s notice. They move quickly and quietly using gestures and head movements discernible only to themselves. With their front appendages working the earth at top speed, the target is identified and the extraction begins. We’re not sure how they even realized it was there, but that’s how the game of tearing up the landscape cloth begins. And what a game it is. The little minions are so elated at uncovering these little treasures, they do victory laps with half the mini pack in tow. Needless to say, this often culminates in a little tug of war and to the victor go the spoils.

The weather during the week has largely been cooperative and the puppies have enjoyed a great deal of time outdoors, always reluctant to have to come back inside. Moments after waking in the morning or after a nap, their first priority is to screech in unison like first graders anticipating recess to communicate their need to connect with nature. They also seem unfazed when the weather was less than ideal. On one occasion after a little downpour that turned bare spots in the lawn into mud, the gang returned to their lair looking like a rugby team on the losing end of a scrimmage. After expending all of their energy on the playing field, the puppies virtually collapsed in a heap with their siblings. This necessitated our carrying them back to their whelping box dangling in our grasp like little marionettes. Once in more comfortable surroundings, many rolled onto their backs and snored contentedly while we stroked their plump, velvety bellies.

The big event this week was a trip to the veterinary clinic during which the gang joined together in unison for some manner of chorus to express their displeasure at being supplanted from the yard which they longed to play in. In the end it was all worth it, because not only did everyone receive top honours on their checkups but also on their temperament testing. This week also marked the departure of their good friends from Bailey’s litter who began journeys to their forever homes. With their collaboration very much intact, Mango and Bailey continued to share all the duties associated with motherhood so Mango’s litter had the profound gift of having two adoring moms to care for them.

So to our little ones who have given us so much love and happiness these past eight weeks: when we think of you we’ll find comfort in knowing that for your new family “Only you can make this world seem right, only you can make the darkness bright, you’re my dream come true, my one and only you.” So long little ones.
That concludes this edition of “Puppy Tales”.  See you next litter!

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