“The English Lesson”
This was a week of adjustment as Chanel and her mini pack moved out of the bedroom and into the living room to join fellow mom Paige. Chanel now has both a sofa and a love seat to stretch out on, not to mention some carpeting and some sections of cool wood flooring for lounging. There’s also a walkout to the backyard for private bathroom breaks or birdwatching, albeit Chanel is pretty keen on squirrels.
The gang had their first raw feeding of hormone and antibiotic-free meat with organic vegetables, pro-biotics, vitamin supplements including vitamin C, bovine colostrum and Puppy Gold for eye and immune system development, goat’s milk and plain yoghurt to supplement the feedings they get from their mom. Everyone loved it. Messrs. Cardinal and Oriole went back for seconds and thirds. Once their food supply was depleted, the puppies stood around licking each other’s faces to clean up every last morsel. Chanel continues to do her due diligence in keeping the puppies topped up. When they’re not getting drinks from their mom, they have a bowl of water at their disposal to help keep them hydrated. And yes, these pups are getting huge!
In the meantime, the puppies have gym memberships thanks to an elaborate play station and numerous plush toys at their disposal. But the best part is they all took part in an English lesson delivered by (the mechanical) Mr. Owl. They were all very attentive and received an A plus for class participation.
That’s it for now but be sure to join us next week for another heart-warming installment of “Puppy Tales.
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