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Maddie and Jazz Litter

Maddie and Jazz Puppies – Day 1  “The Big Arrival”


First, allow me to apologize for the delay in updating you on the big event! It has been a hectic seventy-two hours but we are so pleased to announce the safe arrival of five sweet girls and five dashing boys!

Miss Lilac made her grand entrance at forty-four minutes after midnight on Monday, followed shortly thereafter by Mr. Blue at 1:15 a.m., Mr. Brown at 1:32 a.m., Mr. Teal at 1:46 a.m., Mr. Purple at 1:54 a.m., Miss Rose at 2:19 a.m., Mr. Forest Green at 2:50 a.m., Miss Lime Green at 3:20 a.m., and Miss Gold at 4:35 a.m.

Between each delivery, we offered Maddie some vanilla ice cream. The calcium in the ice cream encourages contractions but I think in Maddie’s case, it just tasted good! After each puppy was born, she looked up at us as if to say, “some more ice cream perhaps”? It certainly kept her going all night long but as the sun began to rise and her ninth puppy was born, she was tiring. After three hours, we were growing concerned with the infrequency of her contractions, so we drove to the vet to see what was going on in her abdomen.  An X-ray revealed she was still carrying a pup and the only option was to perform a C-section. At 10:15 a.m. our little Miss Pink made an even grander entrance into the world to the delight of the whole clinic as she came out wiggling and squealing with delight.  Her audience belted out a resounding “hooray”.

You can see Miss Pink front and center. Her coat sports a slight “greenish” appearance due to some staining during the procedure. This is perfectly normal and will eventually wash off.

We are giving Maddie some extra TLC for a speedy recovery, but she is thoroughly enjoying being a mum and is totally devoted to her babies - never leaving them for very long.  Along with her love for her new family is her love for food. Maddie probably would have eaten ten cups of food this morning if we let her, but we limited it to just six! She needs lots of nourishment during this time to produce milk and provide balanced nutrition for her pups.

Stay tuned as the adventures are just beginning…..

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