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Mango and Steele’s Litter – Week Three

Mr. Banana
It’s never too early to begin good grooming practices and it’s no exception with puppies. The whole crew is getting regular pedicures on their tiny little paws, albeit no nail polish. Mom is looking after the balance of their grooming needs for the time being.

Now that their vision is fully intact, the puppies are studying us and each other in wonderment and their little personalities are emerging with their facial expressions and the opinions they squeak at us. They are spending more time awake and when they’re not eating or sleeping, they’re play-fighting, climbing over-top one another and nibbling on each other’s ears.

The whelping box for Maddie’s litter has been moved into the same area as Mango’s litter now. Fortunately each of the mothers has a good attitude about being in each other’s presence as well as receiving the occasional visit from another pack member. And being protective moms, they communicate the rules to their guests by way of facial expressions that are clearly understood by all. One frequent visitor is one of our young Golden girls, Sierra. She has such a fascination with the puppies that she lies down outside of the box and quietly and adoringly watches them for long periods of time.

Miss Blueberry

Mango is still being the model mom. She sleeps just outside their box and spends a fair bit of time in the room with them, ready to respond to their high pitched squeals demanding dinner. Fortunately for Mango, we have introduced some solid food into the puppies’ diet known as “mush” or “gruel”: a healthy blend of oatmeal, premium puppy kibble, goat’s milk, raw honey and vitamins. The puppies were a little apprehensive about this sweet smelling foreign substance in their midst at first, or perhaps they were just being polite. That changed very rapidly as Miss Blueberry stepped into the bowl to have a taste. After her session was completed, Mr. Banana spent the next ten minutes cleaning off Miss Blueberry’s feet. In a subsequent session, Mr. Coconut, perhaps with the understanding that this was a mud bath, decided to sprawl across the bowl with his entire body.

In the coming week, the puppies will venture outside and begin to explore the world that awaits them. There will be many adventures to come in the weeks ahead …..

That’s it for now, but be sure to join us next week for another electrifying installment of “Puppy Tales”.

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