Rain or shine we love being outside! |
“Decisions, Decisions”
This week was all about treasures and discovery. Since the weather was a bit unsettled during the week, Mother Nature contributed numerous twigs and bits of bark to the yard. These quickly became the gang’s favourite toys. While we get a little squeamish when we have to go outside in a bit of drizzle, the little ones don’t give it a second thought. Rain or shine – it doesn’t matter. As long as they get to go outside, they’re happy. This week, their outdoor activities included tug of war with a stick; one on one, one on two or simply having a nice leisurely chew. They engaged in chases, whether actual or imagined and hide & seek was a huge crowd pleaser. The water bowl was also a key attraction and it often did double duty as a footbath. For some reason, the puppies were curious as to what the underside of the bowl looked like so it needed frequent refilling.
We can never quite understand the decision-making process of a little puppy. Sometimes they’ll jump up spontaneously, dart off in a particular direction on rubbery legs so a fast sprint often culminates in a toppling over. But Bailey is there to watch out for them and when she feels it’s time for the group to go back inside, she stands in front of the door signifying that playtime is over. Each vigorous play session ends the same way though – with the puppies curling up and drifting off to sleep.
When the weather refused to cooperate, not that it mattered to the puppies, the carnival came to town…or at least to the foyer. Here the gang could try out the big play station, play with a toy, a ball or a human or in some cases, just have a little snooze. All in all, this is a great group. They’re generally quite quiet and very well-behaved. They sit and watch very quietly and patiently while we change out some towels or empty the wastebasket. They must be on their best behaviour since Santa will be coming soon. The one exception is Bailey. She keeps nudging our bedroom door at night to see if we’ve changed our minds about letting her sleep in there. We think she’ll be getting coal in her stocking.
That’s it for now, but be sure to join us next week for another captivating installment of “Puppy Tales”.
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