Our big adventure outside! |
“The Conspiracy”
Like the Navajo code talkers before them, their communication was cloaked in secrecy so the collaboration went unnoticed. They chose a cool, misty morning to put their plan into action just as the household was beginning to stir. We are unaware of exactly how the conspiracy unfolded, but somehow Mr. Cinnamon Twist from Whitney’s litter and Mr. Lifesaver from Sierra’s litter managed to escape from their respective whelping boxes in tandem for a rendezvous in the living room. The two were safely apprehended and placed in the custody of their mothers, but to this day, no one is talking.
This week, we managed to get the group outside for playtime. Just like their introduction to solid food, this group embraced the outdoors on their first outing like they’d done it a hundred times before. There was no hesitation as they all scurried off in all directions in search of treasures. It’s as though gathering up sticks and chewing them is part of a puppy’s DNA. Some of the gang even tried their hand at rock climbing while others were content just to munch away at a prime twig. Of course, no outing is complete without a game of chase. It’s fun to watch them hop around. Once they hit their top speed, they typically just fall down and repeat the exercise several more times.
Whitney always escorts her puppies outside for playtime. Her role is part sentinel, part playmate, albeit the pups do chase mom around for a while in the hopes of a snack. We have blankets to spread out on the lawn to sit on as we take in all of the action and Whitney wastes no time in curling up on our laps. While the little ones are off exploring the yard, she reprises her role as the biggest lapdog of all. Before long, the puppies are spent and they try to curl up with their mom or on a corner of the blanket so we have to carry them in and put them to bed, one by one. There’s nothing like fresh, country air for a good night’s sleep.
That’s it for now, but be sure to join us next week for another stimulating installment of “Puppy Tales”.
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